A 6.5 Year “Halfiversary” in Bodega Bay

For better and worse, my husband and I sometimes slip into being “that couple” - the embarrassingly romantic one that gets too into themselves and celebrates any ‘versary’ it can… including, of course, the well-known anniversary, in addition to the much-less-frequently-observed each monthiversary, and - falling between those two events - there’s the semi-noted halfiversary.

Fortunately for us - hitched in early November as we were - that midpoint happens to be the much celebrated “May the Fourth (be with you)” (a.k.a., Star Wars Day), and no less fortunately nearly coincides with Cinco de Mayo, and still yet Revenge of the 6th (Sith) after that. Needless to say, we’re littered with opportunities to treat our annual halfway point as an amalgam of excuses to celebrate many things - and, most especially, one another.

This year we decided to go to the coast for our halfiversary for the weekend. We headed north of San Francisco to Bodega Bay, a small fisherman’s village that Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” was filmed.

And what a sweet, sweet weekend.

Dense fog the day we arrived; light rain on day number two; and day three brought wind and sun - a pretty perfect weekend. I had a “main character energy” moment in the kitchen the morning after we arrived. The rain was lightly pelting the windows in the kitchen, soft cool light illuminating the cutting board. I pulled out my granola/yogurt/berry ingredients for breakfast and looked out onto the Bay from inside the home. It was a definite vibe. ha!

Anyway… here are some moments I captured. I was obsessed with the windows in our Air BNB on the day it rained. Also felt like the black and white photos turned out so strong! I’m infatuated with the calla lily ones!

My husband is trimming the Meyer lemon tree outside while I type this blog. Happy we have made it to 6.5 years and can’t wait for #7!


Click the images below to see the full scale.


Menagerie of Light


A Desert Storm - Alabama Hills Part Two