It’s been a bit since I have posted a blog. Between big travel trips, the holidays, and now being officially full time again at the hospital, my “hobby” time has been a little more squished than I’m used to.
I am constantly reevaluating how I can save time while optimizing my time. But sometimes I feel like I do more planning on how to save time than actually utilizing the time I have for things I enjoy. ha! So after doing some redesigning of my online presence, I am at the point of being able to start posting blog entries again. Well hopefully posting a lot of different things. I’m working on more YouTube videos in the future and cultivating this website and Substack. The current state of social media is precarious, and although I can’t give it up completely, I’d rather build a following via email notifications if possible. Email subscriptions is such an old way of doing things, but I have found myself enjoying getting emails from people and businesses I’m interested in rather than doom scrolling my day away. The big social media break is going to happen soon (except for BEV photographic posts) and I’m both nervous and excited about it. That time I keep trying to save? It will probably appear more readily once I cut myself off of social media.
Speaking more of the redesign - I don’t know if you have noticed that the website is now called “Broken Eye Vision” instead of “Broken Eye Photo.” Don’t worry! It’s still photography based! But also adding the element of video and generally just being a more well rounded name for all the things I do creatively. Plus - the acronym is BEV which is my nickname! And will henceforth be what I call myself online.
I hope you like the new redesign and also encourage you to subscribe to my Substack! It will be the place I update people on new things I’ve posted on the ol’ world wide web.
I have a calendar I update with monthly quotes, and January (in honor of New Years) the quote I chose was -
“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” - David Bowie
This perfectly reflects what I want to cultivate in my life. By sharing what I do creatively, I hope I can help make your life a little less boring, too.